Thank you!

On 05/31/2013 03:14 PM, Ori Livneh wrote:

The new version of git-review released today (1.22) includes a patch I
wrote that makes it possible to work against a single 'origin' remote. This
amounts to a workaround for git-review's tendency to frighten you into
thinking you're about to submit more patches than the ones you are working
on. It makes git-review more pleasant to work with, in my opinion.

To enable this behavior, you first need to upgrade to the latest version of
git-review, by running "pip install -U git-review". Then you need to create
a configuration file: either /etc/git-review/git-review.conf (system-wide)
or ~/.config/git-review/git-review.conf (user-specific).

The file should contain these two lines:

defaultremote = origin

Once you've made the change, any new Gerrit repos you clone using an
authenticated URI will just work.

You'll need to perform an additional step to migrate existing repositories.
In each repository, run the following commands:

   git remote set-url origin $(git config --get remote.gerrit.url)
   git remote rm gerrit
   git review -s

Hope you find this useful.
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