slot yer dick ~
                        slain for talc
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                        slob Opr toy

10:49 8/23/06 610 bytes

Ah... wonder what Oprah would have to say about all
this Bataille schtick?
Nut munch I spect.

Great piece LQ! 
Tak fur yelpin

--- phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let's see if I can do this confessionalism thing,
> since it seems to be rather outre'
> among who-what-who-rang-you rang? aawwwhh.
> Fact: My landscapist and horticulturist is nearly
> finished installing about a 35ft run of 
> black, timber, and crook-stem bamboo along the
> fence-line with my northern neighbors.
> Fact: We got a really good deal, because her
> supplier is like this totally wigged out hippie
> Oregon stoner bamboo dude (mid 30's) whose business
> is to go and harvest big patches of bamboo
> that have gotten away from their owners and who want
> it removed. He repots it or replants
> it rurally and sells it for less than half of even a
> wholesale nursery price. For 2 Grand I have
> an instant stand of Bamboo whose average mean height
> is about 9 ft tall and well over 50 individuals.
> Fact: Today when I went to mail out Alan's book on
> the Weathermen, I stopped at a new Asian
> Bubble-Tea shop to get an iced Americano triple Shot
> and browse at my favorite Antique/Slash
> junq shop 2 doors down. I picked up Everett F.
> Bleiler's _The Checklist of Fantastic Literature_,
> and _Witchcraft in the Southwest: Spanish and Indian
> Supernaturalism on the Rio Grande_ by
> Marc Simmons which has a wonderful photograph of a
> trio of Mexican witches from 1895.
> This book will dovetail nicely into a new cluster of
> Ethnographic witchcraft
> texts I am slowly collecting. Nowhere near as large
> as my Head-hunting collection, but I'm
> not even really trying at this point.
> Fact: One of the laborers today was a student of
> Chinese. He was 22. The other laborer
> is a well-known local guitarist named Darren but I
> don't know the name of his band.
> He helped me move my old 36" television into the
> basement and would not accept
> the $20 I offered him because I have so few male
> friends and there's never really
> any context for me to ask for physical assistance
> with moving stuff. I thought that was
> pretty nice of him. At one point during the day we
> all had a long talk about the film
> White King, Red Rubber, Black Death
> which is essentially about the cover-up of the
> realities of life in the Congo
> during Leopold II's reign etc, which is where Conrad
> got his Heart of Darkness
> story from. What was odd, Is that I saw another
> documentary about the problem
> with the Nile Perch in Lake Victoria who had the
> same African Historian in it
> but who isn't listed at all on the IMDB web-page
> which sort of pisses me off.
> In the movie, a longish section is about how the
> children take the styrofoam boxes
> and melt them down along the shores to sniff the
> "glue".. This makes them sleep
> very deeply, so many people go and find the sleeping
> children in order to sodomize
> their sleeping bodies. The same narrator does both
> films or at least I'm pretty sure
> it was the same guy. The Nile Perch film was so
> depressing I had to turn it off.
> It was that bad. South Indians are completely
> exploiting this area to the ruination
> if the environment etc. I say that, because that's a
> prominent feature in the film, though
> I'm sure there's more complexity to it if I could
> have stood to watch it more, but actually
> seeing little kids huddled around little kettles of
> melting styrofoam just about made me
> gag so I turned it off.
> Yesterday Grace was telling me about a friend of
> hers, another Californian Native American
> who was actually a special type of Apache shaman,
> one of the gender ambiguous types.
> She was describing his clothing which I found very
> interesting. I guess he also had some chemical
> issues and died.
> Vlad came over today, and he started a long diatribe
> against the Jews. He has a very Czech way
> of looking at things, and I tried to point him in
> the direction of Israeli nation bad like more or
> less
> most nations, and "Jew" more or less variable.. He
> seem to agree with this, though he held deep
> reservations about the basic character of the
> average jew: "They are not craftsman, they build
> nothing,
> They are scumbag.."  I can't help but love the way
> he calls folks he doesn't like "scumbags"..
> Vlad is a mailman, and one hell of a craftsman in a
> sense.
> Today I finally found a decent Medusa Bust. She
> looks confused, sad, anxious, and tragic.
> She's sitting next to my cheapo chinese lamp in
> front of the printer on my scandinavian cherrywood
> faux veneer desk.
> The Fetishist and the Iconoclast are like two sides
> of a coin, but the funny thing is,
> they are also both their own other. The fetishist is
> an iconoclast of the image of the iconoclast,
> and the Iconoclast's Iconoclasm is a fetish. Go
> figure.
> This is basically why I think art and poetry are
> sort of bullshit. I mean I get stuff
> out of it, but really, any leaf is as good as a
> rembrandt or better, and listening to my
> Mom talk (or anybody really) is just as interesting
> as Shakespeare at least to me.
> I know there are perils with the radical
> democratization and flattening of affect of
> 'culture',
> but the radical flattening of affect seems
> infinitely safer than setting loose all kinds of 
> polarizations. those polarizations are what I have
> identified as Burrough's calling
> Virus B-23 a "topping forest fire." This doesn't
> mean I don't have "tastes," but it does
> allow those tastes to be rooted in a "pragmatism of
> affect-zero" which is all very un-Japanese
> I suppose. The motion of contraries in the world is
> a well known structure. Blake goes into
> this among others.. Its all quite strange. 
> Just like tonight. I see absolutely no reason to
> look at Bataille the way Alan does. He has
> a negative tropism towards a Catholic vibe, whereas
> I kind of dig the whole image fetishism
> complex. In my world I always move toward Hybridity
> and sarcasm. I make fun of stuff.
> I make fun of myself. I make fun everything. Put
> Bataille on the Cross, Cut his head off.
> Take his cut off head and put it into Hasidic Drag,
> Punk Hasidic Drag, Punk Hasidic Drag Queen Head of
> Bataille.
> I absolutely cannot take human consciousness
> seriously. Its ridiculous. This is a species
> who absolutely cannot get their social organization
> settled in any meaningful sense.
> It absolutely makes me think of Bataille's headless
> Acephale, not because I 
> because humanity is fucking stupid beyond anyone's
> understanding. Humanity's
> absolute and hideous stupidity confounds all reason.
> Take a recent conference on spirituality. A
> wonderful sensitive writer, you could 
> tell, was speaking on OPB (public radio) about this
> uplifting coming together of the
> spiritual traditions and suddenly this maniac starts
> foaming at the mouth about some
> obscure Christian dogma and saying we'll go to hell
> for forgiving the Muslim or some
> such, very poor characterization on my part. Now
> this woman was an expert on fundamentalism.
> She's a PAID expert. And what did she say about
> this. She said she was struck dumb.
> She was, get this, STRUCK DUMB, by this man's
> stupidity and err well let's say
> the "impasse" of his structural reality.
> Exactly. I won't lie and say I've read every word of
> it, But Avital Ronell's book called
> Stupidity is one of the most provocative books on
> the subject I know of, except
> maybe Erasmus Praise of Folly. I guess my point in
> all this, is that in my self and in my work
> and in my life. I have experienced nothing but a
> continuous feeling of monstrous stupidity
> in myself, in my environment, in everything.
> Whenever I think something is great it turns
> out to be shit, and when I think something is shit
> it turns out to be great, and things like that.
> I have no sense whatsoever of what I should be doing
> or why, and I feel absolutely no reason
> to feel this way. In this sense, I feel I have
> achieved a greater level of innocence and purity
> than most. I don't believe anything. At this point I
> feel more or less as simply a victim
> of a vast cosmic signal system. Like a bubble whose
> job is to be mangled beyond recognition
> and then to dissolve. I have no desire to see my
> name continue, to have a legacy, and I
> have no "art resume." I don't fault people who want
> to make their life and culture into
> a kind of solitonic force, but I see absolutely no
> use for it in my case because I'm very stupid (I'm
> sure you agree).
>  In this sense I guess you could say I am of the
> Cynic school. I have read Peter Slotjerdyk's 
> _Critique of Cynical Reason_ and in fact I did read
> every page.
> I hope all of you realize how monstrously stupid I
> am.
> Thanks. Such a sad old Medusa bust. It looks pretty
> good though.
> I think I'll paint in the eyes like a Daruma.. 
> Ooh A Daruma-medusa, walking upside down on the
> snakes like an octupus..
> sort of like the THING.. great flick..
> There were two boys at the junq shop today. (They
> had skateboards, so I instantly liked them.)
> We put a top hat on one and a cape and he
> spontaneously became Mr. Hyde. 
> It was pretty cute, really, slashing his fake sword
> cane around. WOW! 
> Some cool African Jazz playing ZOMBIA ZOMBIA.. wish
> I knew who that was...
> I wish I could be a snobby Grammar person or
> whatever, But I like Lon Chaney better
> than a Dangling Participle or whatever, and I think
> wearing a Turban is cooler than Syntax.
> Leo Marx wrote the Machine in the Garden.
> I live it.


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