I totally agree with you, but I still find Vlad a scumbag; I'm really sick of anti-semitism, racism, blah blah and I can't get over it.

- Alan - this is wonderful to the extent btw you might write a novel out of it or a daily grind or something, I wonder if blog would work for you of this? - Alan

On Wed, 23 Aug 2006, Maria Damon wrote:

hey this stuff is great!

At 12:59 AM -0700 8/23/06, phanero wrote:
Let's see if I can do this confessionalism thing, since it seems to be rather outre'
among who-what-who-rang-you rang? aawwwhh.

Fact: My landscapist and horticulturist is nearly finished installing about a 35ft run of black, timber, and crook-stem bamboo along the fence-line with my northern neighbors.

Fact: We got a really good deal, because her supplier is like this totally wigged out hippie Oregon stoner bamboo dude (mid 30's) whose business is to go and harvest big patches of bamboo that have gotten away from their owners and who want it removed. He repots it or replants it rurally and sells it for less than half of even a wholesale nursery price. For 2 Grand I have an instant stand of Bamboo whose average mean height is about 9 ft tall and well over 50 individuals.

Fact: Today when I went to mail out Alan's book on the Weathermen, I stopped at a new Asian Bubble-Tea shop to get an iced Americano triple Shot and browse at my favorite Antique/Slash junq shop 2 doors down. I picked up Everett F. Bleiler's _The Checklist of Fantastic Literature_, and _Witchcraft in the Southwest: Spanish and Indian Supernaturalism on the Rio Grande_ by Marc Simmons which has a wonderful photograph of a trio of Mexican witches from 1895. This book will dovetail nicely into a new cluster of Ethnographic witchcraft texts I am slowly collecting. Nowhere near as large as my Head-hunting collection, but I'm
not even really trying at this point.

Fact: One of the laborers today was a student of Chinese. He was 22. The other laborer is a well-known local guitarist named Darren but I don't know the name of his band. He helped me move my old 36" television into the basement and would not accept the $20 I offered him because I have so few male friends and there's never really any context for me to ask for physical assistance with moving stuff. I thought that was pretty nice of him. At one point during the day we all had a long talk about the film

White King, Red Rubber, Black Death
which is essentially about the cover-up of the realities of life in the Congo during Leopold II's reign etc, which is where Conrad got his Heart of Darkness story from. What was odd, Is that I saw another documentary about the problem with the Nile Perch in Lake Victoria who had the same African Historian in it but who isn't listed at all on the IMDB web-page which sort of pisses me off.


In the movie, a longish section is about how the children take the styrofoam boxes and melt them down along the shores to sniff the "glue".. This makes them sleep very deeply, so many people go and find the sleeping children in order to sodomize their sleeping bodies. The same narrator does both films or at least I'm pretty sure it was the same guy. The Nile Perch film was so depressing I had to turn it off. It was that bad. South Indians are completely exploiting this area to the ruination if the environment etc. I say that, because that's a prominent feature in the film, though I'm sure there's more complexity to it if I could have stood to watch it more, but actually seeing little kids huddled around little kettles of melting styrofoam just about made me
gag so I turned it off.

Yesterday Grace was telling me about a friend of hers, another Californian Native American who was actually a special type of Apache shaman, one of the gender ambiguous types. She was describing his clothing which I found very interesting. I guess he also had some chemical
issues and died.

Vlad came over today, and he started a long diatribe against the Jews. He has a very Czech way of looking at things, and I tried to point him in the direction of Israeli nation bad like more or less most nations, and "Jew" more or less variable.. He seem to agree with this, though he held deep reservations about the basic character of the average jew: "They are not craftsman, they build nothing, They are scumbag.." I can't help but love the way he calls folks he doesn't like "scumbags"..
Vlad is a mailman, and one hell of a craftsman in a sense.

Today I finally found a decent Medusa Bust. She looks confused, sad, anxious, and tragic. She's sitting next to my cheapo chinese lamp in front of the printer on my scandinavian cherrywood
faux veneer desk.

The Fetishist and the Iconoclast are like two sides of a coin, but the funny thing is, they are also both their own other. The fetishist is an iconoclast of the image of the iconoclast,
and the Iconoclast's Iconoclasm is a fetish. Go figure.

This is basically why I think art and poetry are sort of bullshit. I mean I get stuff out of it, but really, any leaf is as good as a rembrandt or better, and listening to my Mom talk (or anybody really) is just as interesting as Shakespeare at least to me. I know there are perils with the radical democratization and flattening of affect of 'culture', but the radical flattening of affect seems infinitely safer than setting loose all kinds of polarizations. those polarizations are what I have identified as Burrough's calling Virus B-23 a "topping forest fire." This doesn't mean I don't have "tastes," but it does allow those tastes to be rooted in a "pragmatism of affect-zero" which is all very un-Japanese I suppose. The motion of contraries in the world is a well known structure. Blake goes into
this among others.. Its all quite strange.
Just like tonight. I see absolutely no reason to look at Bataille the way Alan does. He has a negative tropism towards a Catholic vibe, whereas I kind of dig the whole image fetishism complex. In my world I always move toward Hybridity and sarcasm. I make fun of stuff. I make fun of myself. I make fun everything. Put Bataille on the Cross, Cut his head off. Take his cut off head and put it into Hasidic Drag, Punk Hasidic Drag, Punk Hasidic Drag Queen Head of Bataille.

I absolutely cannot take human consciousness seriously. Its ridiculous. This is a species who absolutely cannot get their social organization settled in any meaningful sense. It absolutely makes me think of Bataille's headless Acephale, not because I SUPPORT THE HEADLESS IMAGE OF MINDLESS HUMANITY but because humanity is fucking stupid beyond anyone's understanding. Humanity's
absolute and hideous stupidity confounds all reason.
Take a recent conference on spirituality. A wonderful sensitive writer, you could tell, was speaking on OPB (public radio) about this uplifting coming together of the spiritual traditions and suddenly this maniac starts foaming at the mouth about some obscure Christian dogma and saying we'll go to hell for forgiving the Muslim or some such, very poor characterization on my part. Now this woman was an expert on fundamentalism. She's a PAID expert. And what did she say about this. She said she was struck dumb. She was, get this, STRUCK DUMB, by this man's stupidity and err well let's say
the "impasse" of his structural reality.

Exactly. I won't lie and say I've read every word of it, But Avital Ronell's book called Stupidity is one of the most provocative books on the subject I know of, except maybe Erasmus Praise of Folly. I guess my point in all this, is that in my self and in my work and in my life. I have experienced nothing but a continuous feeling of monstrous stupidity in myself, in my environment, in everything. Whenever I think something is great it turns out to be shit, and when I think something is shit it turns out to be great, and things like that. I have no sense whatsoever of what I should be doing or why, and I feel absolutely no reason to feel this way. In this sense, I feel I have achieved a greater level of innocence and purity than most. I don't believe anything. At this point I feel more or less as simply a victim of a vast cosmic signal system. Like a bubble whose job is to be mangled beyond recognition and then to dissolve. I have no desire to see my name continue, to have a legacy, and I have no "art resume." I don't fault people who want to make their life and culture into a kind of solitonic force, but I see absolutely no use for it in my case because I'm very stupid (I'm sure you agree). In this sense I guess you could say I am of the Cynic school. I have read Peter Slotjerdyk's _Critique of Cynical Reason_ and in fact I did read every page.

I hope all of you realize how monstrously stupid I am.
Thanks. Such a sad old Medusa bust. It looks pretty good though.
I think I'll paint in the eyes like a Daruma..
Ooh A Daruma-medusa, walking upside down on the snakes like an octupus..
sort of like the THING.. great flick..

There were two boys at the junq shop today. (They had skateboards, so I instantly liked them.) We put a top hat on one and a cape and he spontaneously became Mr. Hyde. It was pretty cute, really, slashing his fake sword cane around. WOW! Some cool African Jazz playing ZOMBIA ZOMBIA.. wish I knew who that was...

I wish I could be a snobby Grammar person or whatever, But I like Lon Chaney better than a Dangling Participle or whatever, and I think wearing a Turban is cooler than Syntax.

Leo Marx wrote the Machine in the Garden.
I live it.

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