David McDonald wrote:

I am hoping someone on the list can help me - I've been tearing my hair out
for hours now. I am having a problem with IE 6, where there is a large gap
above the content area:

Appears that the top of "content" lines up with with the bottom of "secondlevelnav" almost exactly.


I am using a XHTML Strict Doctype, and the only thing not validating is the
use of a target attribute, which is from some generated code.

Do you need target? If not, I'd probably remove it. It's valuable bandwidth. :P

However I can't get rid of the gap above the content in IE 6 - does anyone know what is going on?

How does it go if you set

    display: inline;
    float: left;

    display: inline;
    float: right;

Leaving your markup as is?

I noticed you have currently have them set as "display: block;"

OT: I posted some stuff in the [css] & [/css] boxes. I'm posting another message about that now.

|Adam Carmichael, A+, 2xMCP (Windows 2000), Cert IV Helpdesk Admin |
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