>From a quick look is it possible that the width of the main content is
being rendered as wider in IE, and therefore not clearing the side
navigation. The content seems to start where the left nav stops. Try
making it a little (or a lot) narrower to see if this is the problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: David McDonald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 17 December 2003 1:56 AM
Subject: RE: [WSG] Rendering Problem with IE 6


Thanks for the help. Ive tried adding those declarations to the CSS -
can see the page live now - it didn't seem to make much difference.


David McDonald
Web Designer


Southbank, Melbourne

Mobile: 0403 332 140
ICQ: 11814164

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Carmichael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 17 December 2003 1:45 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Rendering Problem with IE 6

David McDonald wrote:

> I am hoping someone on the list can help me - I've been tearing my 
> hair out for hours now. I am having a problem with IE 6, where there 
> is a large gap above the content area:

Appears that the top of "content" lines up with with the bottom of 
"secondlevelnav" almost exactly.

> http://staging.skillsedit.com/clientsites/caraipm/standard.css
> I am using a XHTML Strict Doctype, and the only thing not validating 
> is the use of a target attribute, which is from some generated code.

Do you need target? If not, I'd probably remove it. It's valuable 
bandwidth. :P

> However I can't get rid of the gap above the content in IE 6 - does 
> anyone know what is going on?

How does it go if you set

     display: inline;
     float: left;

     display: inline;
     float: right;

Leaving your markup as is?

I noticed you have currently have them set as "display: block;"

OT: I posted some stuff in the [css] & [/css] boxes. I'm posting another

message about that now.

|Adam Carmichael, A+, 2xMCP (Windows 2000), Cert IV Helpdesk Admin     |
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|#1 Computer Services           \`/         \'/     _|  |_    ||       |
|BSD/UNIX Network Engineer        \ /o\ /o\ /        |  |    _||_      |
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