We could probably argue this back and forward, but I feel very strongly that
there should be only one <h1> on a page and it should be the page title. I
used to think it should be the site name but am moving away from that stance

To use your example of 2 company founders - there would always need to be a
title above both founders:

<div id="content">
<h1>Company founders</h1>
   <h2>Joe Blog</h2>
       <p>Blurb about Joe...</p>
       <h3>Joe's career highs</h3>
       <p>Career blurb...</p>
   <h2>Jane doe</h2>
       <p>Blurb about Jane...</p>
       <h3>Jane's career highs</h3>
       <p>Career blurb...</p>
<div id="nav">
   <h2>site sections</h2>
      <li>section 1</li>


This has more meaning as the page TOPIC is introduced, then the sections are
introduced. I would find it a little odd to jump straight into a series of
founders without knowing that the page was ABOUT founders.

As said on the list before, semantically correct markup can be argued about
from many angles.


> Hm, but in the real world there are often more then one highest
> elements. Like let's say two or more founders of the same company. Or
> two or more teams in a game?

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