
If I want to find solid building blocks for a table-free layout, where should I start?

I mean, I know there are hundreds of websites, but the recommendations of this group ought to be particularly useful.

The thing is, I want a lot! In terms of the page, I'm simply looking for

 * banner
 * three-column flexible layout for the main content
 * footer

but I'm hoping that the page doesn't exhibit any strange behaviours when the page gets too small/content gets too bit, like DIVs overlapping each other or disappearing to the bottom of the page, and I'm even hoping that the layout can be content-first, nav-second in the source.

You can definitely do some of that, but there are trade offs. sooner or later all such layouts will overlap or break.

I was also hoping that the CSS can be relatively straightforward and not consist of 147 nested @import statements full of high-pass/low-pass filters and box model hack code etc.

it's not all that necessary. I find the Tantek BM hack is really only necessary when you are obsessed with widths, down to the pixel level.

Am I asking too much? I won't be trying to support Netscape 4, if that helps...

Heaps ;-)

I'm sure others will point out some great resources like (getting long in tooth)

and many others.

Try Style master though. It's got a multi column layout wizard, and a fair number of two and three column layout templates you can reuse royalty and attribution free.



John Allsopp

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