Hi John and the rest of the group

I started working with CSS about 4 months ago and have recently launched 2 sites using full CSS .


The reason I posted was that Big John worked with me on the Northern Opportunities site and it has done very well since we launched it 15 days ago. The code is very clean and John definitely knows what he is doing. I am still working on cleaning up and replacing some javascript we used but the site works well and I wouldn't have been able to do it without John's guidance. His site was a great resource and you will find he is careful with the hacks and assisted me in designing workarounds that still achieved the end result.

As far as tables go, we have a few on some of the program pages for tabular data that is being replaced with PDF's in coming weeks. What I am most proud of is the layout and colors we setup using the ID / Class in the body tag ( on the Northern Opportunities site ). Beautiful for templating on a larger site (the N.O. website is 288+ pages).


Gordon Currie
Eldoren Design

ps. Zeldman's book and the website alistapart.com really helped me as well. Dan Cedarholm's new book is HIGHLY recommended for new CSS folks.

At 07:32 AM 8/15/2004, you wrote:
Thanks everyone for your help so far. I'm getting very interested in the work of Big John and Holly at http://positioniseverything.net/ and Alex at http://www.fu2k.org/alex/css/ which I certainly wasn't familiar with. Their code is as light on the hacks as possible, but also fully flexible and Netscape 4 compatible, which seems miraculous, considering.
"Have You Validated Your Code?"
John Horner (+612 / 02) 9333 2110
Senior Developer, ABC Online http://www.abc.net.au/

----------------------------------------------------------------- Eldoren Design (a division of Eldoren Consulting Inc.) Web Site Design, Internet Marketing http://www.eldoren.com Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice 250-784-8383

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