VLC http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ is a player that handles (most) wmv movies and is available for a large number of platforms.

I'm not a video expert, but heres my understanding of the market:

1. wmv files are a MS propriety implementation of MPEG4.
2. Generally the files are considerably smaller (up to 50%), but the compression comes at the expense of picture quality.
3. mov is the most widely supported format (by default, without needing to install additional software?).
4. realmedia are a sleazy deceptive corporation who should be avoided at all costs.


On 2004-11-17 6:40 AM, brian cummiskey wrote:
I'm producing a small video, and per request, he wants it in wmv format.

What's the extent of apple/linux guys being able to view this format? are their codecs for non-windows systems?

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