Possibly so, but is an architect being given the short straw by being
required to include ramps and elevators in the design of a building?  It
has to be done because of the 'shortcomings" of my assistive technology,
my wheelchair, that cannot climb stairs or levitate.

I agree that better browser features, CSS support, etc. should be
"demanded."  We do that by using better browsers ourselves and telling
friends, relatives, etc. to do the same.  Enough people switch to
Firefox, Opera, or whatever, and Mr. Softy will eventually make
improvements in IE.  Of course, I'll have my levitating wheelchair
before that happens... 

Christopher M. Kelly, Sr. (GM22)
State Farm Insurance Companies - disAbility Support
website: http://intranet.opr.statefarm.org/sysdisab/
phone: 309-763-7069

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:52 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: [WSG] accessibilty and responsibility

Hi all,

I'm coming to this very much as a newbie, so be gentle with your
response: I feel that, in many ways, we as web designers are getting the
short straw by being asked to counteract the shortcomings of the
browser/PC people, rather than the other way around.  For example, Opera
has a really great zoom feature (as we know) and I can't help feeling
that there should be a push to 'demand' this of all browsers. It even
works with Flash of course . .. . I haven't heard anything about work
going on from this aspect of things (maybe I just don't know about it)
but feel that if there isn't such work in progress there should be!

What exactly is the position?

I hope this isn't OT - I considered not because accessibility is a part
of standards.

Thanks for your thoughts,

Bob McClelland,
Cornwall (U.K.)

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The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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