On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 22:31:48 -0600, Mani Sheriar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The H1 for the first article (at the top left) does not display in IE.
> It does not show up at all, even though the code is exactly the same as
> it is for the following two articles.  What shows up is just blank white
> space.

Under your #mainCol h1 rule, add position:relative; and change the
background property to this: background: #d4bf34
url(../img/article.gif) no-repeat left center;

Tested -- known to work :)

> The icon (small arrow) for the H2 (showing the author's name) shows up
> when the page first loads, but not after one has scrolled down and then
> back up.  After that it disappears. 

Another case of  "hasLayout = false" -- add height:1%; OR 
position:relative; both will fix the problem.

> What is going on here?  Can anyone help me before I need to be put in a
> padded room?
These bugs are both caused by IE's hasLayout property. hasLayout owes
me 200 hours and a large piece of my sanity. Welcome to the club ;)

note to all: IF IN DOUBT, add position:relative; -- it fixes many,
many IE bugs :)

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