
  I split the rules into different files:


  In these files I try to use "container centric" selectors. That
  means: if the XHTML is structured like this:

  <div id="container1">
    <div id="container2">
      <div id="container3">

  If it makes sense I try to include as much of the cascade as

  #container1 #container2 #container3 p { ... }

  This way it is much easier to identify which rule belongs to the
  specific container and where to find it in the pages source.

  I try to keep some order when defining the properties, but... I'm
  just too lazy ;-)

Am Donnerstag, 7. April 2005 um 11:33:58 haben Sie geschrieben:

CS> Hi,
CS> I am struggling to get to grips with designing with web standards and
CS> one of the problems I am having is with "reading" style sheets.
CS> Having sorted out the html code to make it more readable and modifiable
CS> it seems that we have shifted the "mess" to style sheets. Many of the
CS> sheets I look at are long, comment-less and very difficult to understand.
CS> So that I don't fall into the same trap, can anyone recommend some
CS> reading on how to make style sheet structure and layout both 
CS> understandable and also easily modified?
CS> Thanks,

CS> Charlie

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