
how would you rate which is using a mix of
drop down menu and apparent second level navigation.

It could be seen as a solution to make everyone happy!?

Its probably straying a little from Web standards directly, onto usability issues, but still within best practices. I would like to see all such menus as dead and buried as the blink element.

I have not done extensive user testing on these kinds of menus. However, since the beginning of time, in app development, the recommendation has always been to use submenus carefully and sparingly, if in doubt, don't. While these are superficially analogous to main menus, I think in reality they are more like sub menus, so this well tested observation is worth keeping in mind.

In the case of this site, I'd be inclined to ditch the drop downs, and have their contents on the pages you visit when you click What's on, and so on. Which is what actually happens, but confusingly, when you get to these pages, you get both.

What happens if a user does a find (cmd-f) for some text that is in one of the drop downs? I note that in your site a lot of it is repeated, but otherwise, bnothing shows up. Users often use this technique for finding something - another good reason to avoid Image Replacement techniques also.

Has anyone done any user testing on drop downs? Tania maybe?

I'd be interested to know wether users use these, or avoid them like the plague - or don;t even notice them, afterall, how are we supposed to know they are flyout or dropdown menus?



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