Jeff D. Reid wrote:

If you have an
idea of how to make the font size larger as to be readable yet not break the
table, please then by all means tell me.

This is one of many methods of setting relative font-sizes:
html, body{ font-family: Geneva, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
   /* font-size: 9px;*/
font-size: 100.01%;
Then, delete all px font-sizes and px line-heights throughout the remanider of your style sheet. Replace the px font-size with a percent and the line-height with a raw number: #foo {font-size; 95%; line-height: 1.2}. Check your page with zoom cross-browser as you go along. The advantage relative font-sizing is that IE users will be able to zoom the fonts, too.
David Laakso
(btw, one takes their chances on any public forum-- roll with it, and come up with a smart tableless layout)

David Laakso

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