Seems fine here in FF on Mac. The flyouts cause a horizontal toolbar to appear which makes the vertical one increase, but no jumping backgrounds.


Make sure you shrink the browser width down so that the flyouts would
cause vertical scrollbars.

 > >
 > I have an odd problem with my page background image
 > "jumping", when certain nodes on the suckerfish nav are
 > hovered over. The site is
 > here:
 > If you hover over the last 2 nodes (specifically, Resources > Shop,
 > FAQ) with your browser width set to just bit wider than the
 > actual site (with the CENTERED layout style set) you'll
 > notice the whole page background image jump. It looks like
 > it's trying to stay centered with the content of the page,
 > which is logical I suppose, but unfortunate. Happens in IE and FF.
 > The only fix I've come up with is to set the last 2 nodes to
 > fly left, but I'd rather make the page background stay put
 > > without altering my nav.

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