This has evolved into an interesting topic!

I started my working life as an apprentice carpenter (some time ago now!). I
attended a tech college as part of the apprenticeship learning the skills
needed to be a carpenter, and also the regulations and building codes that I
would eventually have to build to and comply with. Construction is much like
web development in that the standards, methods and tools change quite
frequently. At no point was I ever taught to out of date
standards/regulations - that would have constituted malpractice on the part
of the educators.

The difference, as far as I can see, is that other industries have their
standards rigidly applied. If you build something sub-standard in
construction it goes through several approval stages, so might not even make
it to completion. If it does get through this process undetected, and is
later found out, then the persons responsible are liable to fines and in
some cases imprisonment. Now I'm not saying we should police web design and
development in quite the same way - it would be almost impossible to do, and
would serve little purpose.

The point is, no matter what standards are formulated and pushed by groups
like this, they are only going to be best practice recommendations. And so
their implementation and promotion can only be achieved by active promotion
to _higher_bodies_ responsible for the eduction of future developers, and to
key personnel in government and major businesses and industries. Once these
people have taken on board the need for compliance with the standards, the
message and methods filter down. Businesses will request and expect
contracts be completed to standards, educators will teach to standards.
Current developers will be forced to code to standards if businesses request

This is my 0.005c (times are hard!)


Scott Swabey
Lafinboy Productions

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