On 11/14/05, Geoff Deering wrote:

>Mandatory data fields, Required data, fields that require correct data 
>after validation should all be grouped together with a 
>*fieldset>legend*.  This informs all users of the requirements of that 

Indeed - one of my favourite techniques: 


>This standard of putting an asterisks * after (or before an input
>field) does not only not inform an unsighted user, it often gives the
>indication after they have tabbed through the field, to late for them
>to manage their input without back tracking.

Agreed.  Putting them after *visually* and leaving them before in source
order, and as part of the label can be really useful - its semantically
meaningful, can be emphasized (using <label>.... <em> </em></label>) as
shown in the second example on that page is useful. You could easily use
the same technique to emphasize the text "required" instead of an

Derek Featherstone   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel: 613-599-9784  1-866-932-4878 (toll-free in North America)
Web Development: http://www.furtherahead.com
Personal:        http://www.boxofchocolates.ca
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