Lea wrote:

Can you show us an example of what you have so far? It does sound like it should be a table, IMHO.

Yes, definitely, I just don't know how to mark it up so I can keep my lists and the table.

The existing page (that I now need to update) is here:


(Please everyone, don't comment on the site or page or how - er - sad it all is. :-) The site is nearly 4 years old now and I'm sure we've all come a long way in 4 years!)

So... for example.... if you look at Non-Compacted Waste. (That heading is actually meant to be removed altogether for the update I need to make.) The items in points i and ii should ideally be in separate table rows with their prices associated with each item.

I'd like to sort the whole table out so I have the the fees of all items associated with those items as tabular data (not just displayed prettily in a table) - regardless of the level of the item in its (nested or otherwise) ordered list. If that's possible. Somehow. :-)

Joshua wrote:

http://www.usability.com.au/resources/tables.cfm is a great resource.
I find particularly interesting
http://www.usability.com.au/resources/tables.cfm#very , as it
demonstrates that "accessible" tables needn't be meagre and can, in
fact, contain quite a lot of structured information.

Thanks Joshua, a great resource! But unfortunately those pages don't discuss lists in tables at all. :-(

Vicki Berry
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