Thanks for the feedback, I made a few amendments / corrections this morning including:

xhtml-xml - D'oh! Got it right twice before :o
well-formedness versus validation - Got it right once before ;-) (more coffee at proof-reading time)

On 16/01/06, Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # The XML Prolog is required for character sets other than UTF-8 and
> UTF-16. This is declared on line 1 of your code in the format <xml
> version="1.0" encoding="yourChosenCharset" ?>

That's the XML declaration, which forms part of the XML Prolog.  The XML
Prolog is always present and comprises the XML declaration, PIs and the
DOCTYPE (although all of those parts are optional in XML 1.0)

Ahhh, thanks for the clarification. I should state here I guess that not only did this take all week to write, but it was (and always will be) a learning curve too.

> # Only five named character entities are "safe": &lt;, &gt;, &amp;,
> &quot; and &apos;.

On 4 are safe when using text/html, because &apos; is undefined in HTML
and is not supported by IE.  However, the article of mine that you
linked to does cover that issue so it's not a major problem.

> Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) comments (<!-- comment
> -->) hide everything - including style and script tags.

They're XML comments, which are based on SGML comments but still differ
in significant ways.  I have another article which covers this issue in
great detail.

I pulled that bullet-point because I'd gotten it muddled up. I'll read up your article and word it better in an update.

> # Stylesheets need to be referenced with an XML stylesheet
> declaration.

Wrong!  That's just one of the myths in the widely criticised Appendix C.

> This is done by creating a fragment identifier,

Slightly wrong terminology, a fragment identifier only occurs in a URI
(after the #) which references an ID or an anchor in an (X)HTML document.

> for example id="myStyle" in each &lt;style&gt; tag and reference this
> in the XML stylesheet declaration that goes above the DOCTYPE
> declaration in the format: <?xml-stylesheet href="">> type="text/css" ?>. Note that you will need this declaration for each
> stylesheet.

This is unnecessary because any XML UA that recognises the id attribute
as an ID must be either a validating parser or be an XHTML UA, in which
case it will already recognise both the style and link elements, making
the xml-stylesheet PI unnecessary.  If it is a validating parser, but
not an XHTML UA, the stylesheet would do much good anyway, because there
wouldn't be any default UA stylesheet which would likely be depended
upon for the styles to work properly.

There I was wondering how to send stylesheets via that PHP script (I don't actually know PHP lol) and it's actually optional(?) (ie) it would be better to write "Stylesheets may be referenced with an XML stylesheet".

Lastly, there's one more issue that wasn't discussed which should have
at least been mentioned.  By serving application/xhtml+xml, Mozilla
cannot yet incrementally render the document.  It is a browser
limitation, there's nothing in the spec that prevents incremental
rendering in implementations, but it still needs to be considered for
practical reasons.

If you have time, could you explain "incrementally render" please?

Lachlan Hunt

Feel free to add stuff to the comments, especially if you can link in a resource for further reference.
It's a MIME field out there (sorry) and the article is an attempt to pull together a justified how-to for future projects as well as bring a few people with me without diving too deep into specs. I'll do an update later today because clarity of summary is very important.

Many Thanks!
Karl Dawson
Crusader for Web Standards and Accessibility
Accessites Team Member -

"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
Tim Berners-Lee - W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web

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