Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

> For less important, there currently isn't an
> alternative, so <small> (albeit presentational)
> may be the only option ... or just going for a
> <span>, which is semantically just as meaningless.

FWIW, I use the small element on my blog, on my latest WordPress theme, and 
for Accessites [1] -- all use the same theme. On the home page the small 
element contains the tag line, and it contains the article/page title on 
inside pages. Like so:
    <small><br />The Art of Accessibility</small></h1>How correct or 
semantically pure this method is I do not know. I am comfortable with it is 
all. The span is meaningless, but does happen to contain the [replacement] 
image over the still accessible text, the small break is a pause and 
conveniently breaks the line into two lines, then displays the secondary 
text that is in a way visually better -- without styles, that is, as it's 
not seen if styles are enabled. Moreover, I don't think it's in any way 
damaging doing it this way, and it's not bad for feeding search engines.

This is the only time I will use h1 on any page. Next up is h2.

I also use small to contain author credit line and other bits of less 
important content. Again, this is a practice I feel comfortable with. I'm 
not saying it is the right way. There are many methods as have been explored 
here. This one just happens to be mine.

Mike Cherim


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