James Jeffery wrote:
So basically what your trying to say is that branding is the least important part
of the page, so place it in a <p> ?

no, I'm saying what the page is about is the most important, so put that in the h1

take a multiple page site with branding on every page - after the first page you're more interested in what the page is about than which company it is.

if you're looking for widgets for your foobar then you want to find foobar widget pages, not a specific company...

for a while I put all the branding and footer information at the end of the source and then visually displayed it at the head.

SEO and semantics are tricky areas, I doubt we'd ever reach consensus, but my view of the web is as a collection of connected pages, rather than web sites as books with pages as chapters. (and it's how the search engines see the web too, in the most part)

on that basis the page content is the most important and therefore the semantic structure should follow content, not the "book cover".

my 2p.


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