On 4 Aug 2007, at 17:08:37, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

Just to check since there may also be another, so far pretty undocumented, variable at play here:
- does anyone know if this 'minimum font size' value changes/differs
with screen-DPI in Opera?

It is a bit problematic if a browser has undocumented
defaults/behaviors, as we cannot test based on knowledge then and the
guessing game is no fun.

On the other hand: such deviations shouldn't create any real problems if
the methods we use take the potential variables into account, and
browser-options aren't bugs designers should try to counter.

On the standard 96dpi XP Pro, Opera has configured itself with:

default font size 16px
minimum font size 9px.

Another Parallels virtual machine later: XP Pro SP2, never been used except for first boot, set to 120dpi, reboot to apply settings, install Opera 9.22. Result:

default font size 20px   <--------- AHAH!
minimum font size 9px.

I'm now going to make my dinner and won't be thinking about font sizes for the rest of the weekend :-)


Nick Fitzsimons

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