On Aug 8, 2007, at 6:45 PM, Rob Kirton wrote:

However I would have thought it
sufficiently an important feature to dedicated a couple of buttons in the chrome bar to it, maybe a simple + and - (my actual sugestion to them).

What makes you think that there won't be 'a couple of buttons' ?
The feature (page zoom) has only been implemented for 2 weeks, and there is no GUI for it, yet.
You can track the discussion about the UI aspects:
< https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=389628>

  [...]To most users it is a moot point
whether or mot these buttons perfrom text resizing or indeed page zoom.
That I'm not sure. I, for one, would hate to loose the *text* zoom feature.
Page zoom doesn't really work, for me (and I'm not alone).

But that features (and there associated UI) to improve readability of a page is important, that we all agree. And those features will become ever more important (more 'old' eyes on-line, increasing screen resolutions).

Philippe Wittenbergh

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