Hello list,

I am currently investigating the disparities between various screen
fonts and trying to come up with good font stacks that I can use in
Blueprint CSS [1]. I found this page:


which explains how Verdana and Times, for example, have different
aspect values. One of the problems I've had with specifying font
families is that the size of text blocks, and the overall look of a
page, is greatly affected if the user sees it in a different font from
the intended choice, such as Verdana vs. Lucida Grande, because the
actual size of the font (beyond just the font-size property) is vastly
different. A further problem is that recently common fonts such as the
Vista font collection (Calibri, Cambria, etc.) are significantly
smaller at the same font-size as the classic Windows fonts (Arial,
Verdana, Georgia, Trebuchet). Ultimately the goal is to be able to set
up a font stack with fonts that have similar aspect values, letter
widths, spacing, etc. so that the difference from one OS or device to
the next is minimal, but it seems that I would have to adjust the
aspect value with CSS to make that happen.

So here are my questions:

- What's the support across browsers / machines for the
font-size-adjust property?
- Is adjusting the aspect value bad form? Is this as bad as
letter-spacing body copy? Would this kill sheep?
- Has anyone done this before? Is there an ideal aspect value for
screen display?

Thanks in advance.

[1] http://blueprintcss.org

Christian Montoya

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