On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:41 PM, David Hucklesby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 12:36:26 -0400, Christian Montoya wrote:
>> - What's the support across browsers / machines for the font-size-adjust 
>> property?
>> - Is adjusting the aspect value bad form? Is this as bad as letter-spacing 
>> body copy?
>> Would this kill sheep?
>> - Has anyone done this before? Is there an ideal aspect value for screen 
>> display?
> Hi Christian,
> I believe that Firefox 3 supports it, but must admit I have not tried
> using it. Interestingly I can't see the property listed in Sitepoint's
> "Ultimate CSS Reference". Hmm.
> As for setting up font stacks, I found this article useful:
>  <http://unitinteractive.com/blog/2008/06/26/better-css-font-stacks/>
> The linked PDF with samples of each type face shown side-by-side
> is a useful resource too, I think.


I've been looking at that exact article, actually. It's very helpful.
I guess the biggest dilemma, currently, is that I am to come up with a
consistent vertical rhythm, but with just font-size and line-height
alone, such as:

body {
 line-height: 1.5;

it's not enough. The difference in x-height between "small" fonts like
Calibri and "large" fonts like Verdana makes for very different
results. As far as I can tell, even using pixel or point sizes for
fonts doesn't make a difference. And I'm guessing that as far as
browser compatibility goes, there's nothing that does. Is that right?

Christian Montoya

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