> To put what you wrote another way, with a font family list such as your
> example, the visitor is at the designer's mercy to see only the designer's
> choice of fonts,

Yes, that's the point of typography and meeting the requirements of a client 
specification. Provided it's readable I don't see an issue and it can always be 

> instead of the visitor's, even if the visitor has spent
> big money on high quality but uncommon fonts and chosen as default one of
> them.
> To actually see his choice, the visitor will have to set is browser
> to completely ignore the designer's font choices throughout all documents.

Again, that's their choice. If they want to see their choice and know that 
they can do that, then they know how to do it, that's their requirement. The 
file they are viewing is in their cache, they can choose to do whatever they 
want with it.

> Like Mark, I say let the visitor's choice be the choice applied to most
> content, with the designer specifying otherwise only to highlight or
> provide character, as in headings, emphasis, or menuing. On body at least,
> it should be enough to specify either serif or sans-serif (partial
> deference to visitor), or nothing at all (total deference to visitor). If
> the visitor wants Comic Sans, let him have it. It's his puter, not yours.

or hers ;) but yeah if they want to uncheck "Allow pages to choose their own 
fonts" then they can go right ahead as you suggest.
What I'm suggesting is developing to the 50th percentile and making  the 
design work for the majority of the audience.

I'd suggest the outliers would be those who require different fonts for low 
vision requirements (a valid requirement), are die-hard fontists who like to 
control things (their choice, they can do the work to change the font) or have 
a love affair with viewing everything in SomeCrazyFont (and try to explain that 
one to a designer who sees their typographic design looking like crap).


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