Hey Tia

The same will happen if you try to validate a page with an empty <body> element, or an empty <form> element. When using a strict doctype, these three elements require a block level element of some type inside them. See these three examples...

Empty Form example (HTML 4.01 Strict)

Empty Blockquote example (HTML 4.01 Strict)

Empty Body example (HTML 4.01 Strict)

The validator results page explains this here:

"Another possibility is that you used an element which requires a child element that you did not include. Hence the parent element is "not finished", not complete. For instance, in HTML the <head> element must contain a <title> child element, lists require appropriate list items (<ul> and <ol> require <li>; <dl> requires <dt> and <dd>), and so on."

Now, three examples with a block level element inside them...

Form example with block level element inside (HTML 4.01 Strict)

Blockquote with block level element inside (HTML 4.01 Strict)

Body with block level element inside (HTML 4.01 Strict)

If you use a Transitional doctype, the page will validate WITHOUT the need for block level elements inside. See example below...

Empty Form example (HTML 4.01 Transitional)

Be aware that this is not a recommended practice. These fail validation for a reason :)


Russ Weakley
Email: r...@maxdesign.com.au
Website: http://www.maxdesign.com.au/
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Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/maxdesign/

On 04/04/2010, at 12:39 PM, T. R. Valentine wrote:

Apparently, <blockquote></blockquote> cannot be used alone. It
produces 'character data is not allowed here'. What does it need?

Also, can the <blockquote> tag have a class assigned to it?


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