On 4 April 2010 04:38, Chris Price <chris.pr...@choctaw.co.uk> wrote:
> Blockquote is one of those tags that was badly misused for styling purposes.
> Now it can only be used within a block level element, namely p. I like to
> use the q tag because it introduces quote marks in Firefox.

I do a lot of academic-style essays where extended quotations are
common. From a semantic POV, <blockquote> makes a lot of sense -- but
extended quotes in block form obviate the need for quotation marks.

> I can't see what value it now has.

Semantic value, for sure.

> Being a block quote you would assume it
> is a block element but if it requires a container it just seems to be an
> unnecessary layer.

ISTM the unnecessary layer is the block element within the blockquote.
I consider the use of a div element within the blockquote to be
approaching 'divitis'.

> Wouldn't it be better to simply encase a quote in a p and
> give a class 'blockquote'?

Blockquotes are not supposed to have quotation marks.

T. R. Valentine
Your friends will argue with you. Your enemies don't care.
'When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food
and clothes.' -- Erasmus

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