Paul K <paulclinger@...> writes:

> Hi Mike,
 > I can tell you to the best of my knowledge ZeroBrane Studio IDE
> doesn't change file associations.
> Paul.
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 3:38 AM, Mike Parr <mikeparr@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Thanks for your detailed reply, John.  I understand.  In particular,
> >  I will want to create standalone wx exe files, and I see elsewhere
> > that it can be done.
> >
> > To reply to your questions, yes, I'm using Windows 7.
> > The Lua version was from the main lua site, ans is:
> > LuaForWindows_v5.1.4-46.exe
> >
> >  

Hi John and Paul
I thought I was OK, but  after reading John's detailed info, I'm not so sure!

I'm OK with changing associations on Windows of course - if I need to, but
here is my confusion.  John says:
> 'I DO recommend running the wxLua samples using the lua.exe that is
> provided by the wxLua binary packages since it is definitely binary
> compatible with wx.dll.'

I installed  the 5.1Windows exe Lua install.  This has wxlua inside, yes?
There is only one lua.exe in my Lua install, at the top level 
(in the 5.1 folder).  There is no other lua.exe inside any wxlua directories.

The program that runs when I click on a wx wxample is wlua.exe, 
again in the 5.1 directory.  There is no other wlua.exe in my install.

Anyway... can I assume that this is OK?  For wlua.exe (no 'dos' window
shown)  and lua.exe (dos window).
Best wishes

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