On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Mike Parr <mikep...@live.com> wrote:
> I installed  the 5.1Windows exe Lua install.  This has wxlua inside, yes?
> There is only one lua.exe in my Lua install, at the top level
> (in the 5.1 folder).  There is no other lua.exe inside any wxlua directories.
> The program that runs when I click on a wx wxample is wlua.exe,
> again in the 5.1 directory.  There is no other wlua.exe in my install.
> Anyway... can I assume that this is OK?  For wlua.exe (no 'dos' window
> shown)  and lua.exe (dos window).

I am not sure how it was built and what is in the LuaForWindows
package nor what it wlua.exe. I assume that lua.exe is simply the Lua
executable, but I have not looked into it.

I create these:

If the LuaForWindows package works for you, that should be fine.


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