On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 9:22 AM, Ulrich Schmidt <u.sch...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I compiled wxlua (trunk)  using MinGW-64 gcc 4.8.1 on Win7 to get some
> 32bit Windows exes/dlls.
> I compiled against wxwidgets 2.8.12 and 2.9.5
> I figured out some nessesary changes: (2.8.12 works. 2.9.5 not finished
> yet)
Why are you not using a 3.x wxWidgets version? It should be better and
wxLua compiles against it.

> 1. alredy discussed in this mailing list:
> modules/wxbind/src/wxcore_bind.cpp
>      The 2 "#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__GNUWIN32__)" at line
> 66 and 7553
>      create a error and i removed the entire if-endif-blocks. It seems
> newer gcc compilers
>      dont need this hack anymore.
Thanks for the reminder. What mingw are you using? It looks like things
have changed since I last installed it.

One of these?

> 2. modules/wxbind/src/wxbase_bind.cpp
>      2 constants not declared (in 2.9.5) -> inserted 3 #if defined()'s
> below line 387
> --8X--------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      #if defined(wxFSW_WARNING_GENERAL)
>      #endif
>      #if defined(wxFSW_WARNING_NONE)
>          { "wxFSW_WARNING_NONE", wxFSW_WARNING_NONE },
>      #endif
>      #if defined(wxFSW_WARNING_OVERFLOW)
>      #endif
> #endif // wxUSE_FSWATCHER && wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,4)
> --8X--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 3. I linked a existing lua51.dll (luajit) and used the luajit header
> files to include.
>      modules/wxlua/lbitlib.c: need a definition for LUAI_INT32, so i
> inserted at line 44:
> --8X--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #if !defined(LUAI_INT32)
>    #define LUAI_INT32    int
> #endif
> --8X--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (probably not bullet proof but at least it worked.)
Humm, this should be fixed in SVN, but maybe I forgot to commit it.

> 4. Suggestion: I compiled MinSizeRel. I need to strip manually.
>      May be you can strip dll and exe files automatically for Release-
> and MinSizeRel-builds?
I'll probably leave this as an exercise for the user since there may be
some value in the non-stripped binaries.

Thanks for the feedback, I hope to get to these next week.
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