Am 12.12.2014 um 05:23 schrieb John Labenski:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 10:09 AM, Ulrich Schmidt < 
> <>> wrote:
>     I compiled sucessfully wx.dll using wxWidgets 3.0 (mingw64/gcc4.8.1).
>     So far so good.
>     Now i want to compile the wx-lua-module as a static lib. Is this
>     possible using cmake? I got a libwx.dll.a but this points to
>     wx.dll and
>     thats not what i want.
> It is not possible, Lua needs a shared library for require() to load. 
> However, you can use wxLua.exe or wxLuaFreeze.exe to have a single 
> executable that does the same thing as calling 'require("wx")' without 
> the extra wx.dll lib since it's embedded in the exe.
> Regards,
>     John
Sorry John, thats not correct. It is possible (and i do it this way with 
other lua libs + lua runtime) to compile a static lib.
The only exported function needs to be luaopen_<modname>. So it would be 
great if i could build a single wx.a exporting luapoen_wx.

I tried to write my own makefile but until now it was too time consuming 
to figure out the dependecies. So if you could tell me the dependencies 
needed for wx.dll, i probably could write the needed makefile by myself.


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