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Date        : 2016/12/14 19:22
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Old Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce?rev=1481743247
New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce
Edit Summary: User : stefanbaur

@@ -7,18 +7,23 @@
The disadvantage is that your ThinClient now needs at least 1 GB of RAM. However, the huge advantage is that there no longer is a need for any high-availibility setup concerning NFS. All you need is an HTTP or FTP server with a dedicated IP, if you want to use netbooting. It is also possible to deploy the image to the ThinClient's local storage, if present, and have it update in the background. - ===== Netbooting ===== - - ==== Prerequisites ====
-   * You need an existing PXE/TFTP setup with the usual
pxelinux.0/pxelinux.cfg stuff. This is not covered here, though we might add a 
separate howto for that some time later on.
+ ==== Prerequisites for all variants ====
   * You need a Debian Jessie system to build the image. (Other distributions 
based on Debian might work, but this is untested.)
   * We suggest using a 64-Bit system, though it should be possible to use a 
32-Bit system if you don't want to build a 64-Bit ThinClient image.
   * Make sure your package list is up to date by running: <code>sudo apt-get update 
   * Install the required packages by running: <code>sudo apt-get install git-core 
live-build live-config-doc live-manual-html live-boot-doc</code>
+ + + ===== Netbooting ===== + + ==== Prerequisites ====
+   * You need an existing PXE/TFTP setup with the usual 
pxelinux.0/pxelinux.cfg stuff. This is not covered here, though we might add a 
separate howto for that some time later on.
+   * You will also need an HTTP/FTP server with a dedicated IP (no
name-based virtual hosts)
==== Building your own netbootable X2Go-TCE image ==== + === Starting the build ===
 Change to a directory where you want to save your builds, and run the following 
 DIR=./live-build-x2go-$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # this will create a timestamped 
 mkdir -p $DIR

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