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Date        : 2016/12/14 20:04
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Old Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce?rev=1481745375
New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce
Edit Summary: [History and Rationale] User : stefanbaur

@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
 During the time of Debian Wheezy being Debian's stable release, we started 
developing a new ThinClientEdition (TCE) - one that is based on Debian-Live and 
thus does no longer rely on NFS.  Instead, the entire image is loaded into the 
RAM of the ThinClient machine.
The disadvantage is that your ThinClient now needs at least 1 GB of RAM. - However, the huge advantage is that there no longer is a need for any high-availibility setup concerning NFS. All you need is an HTTP or FTP server
with a dedicated IP, if you want to use netbooting.  It is also possible to 
deploy the image to the ThinClient's local storage, if present, and have it 
update in the background.
+ However, the huge advantage is that there no longer is a need for any 
high-availibility setup concerning NFS.  All you need is an HTTP or FTP server 
with a dedicated IP, if you want to use netbooting.  It is also possible to 
deploy the image to the ThinClient's local storage, if present, and have it 
update in the background.  Also, making changes/updating the NFS-based TCE was 
rather finicky - with the current TCE, you build and deploy a new image every 
time you make a change, and you can test it on a single client without 
interrupting your production environment.
+ We've also received reports that the old NFS-based TCE wouldn't work with Jessie, or at least it was very hard to get it to work.
+ Our current TCE works just fine with Jessie, and we expect it to work in 
Stretch and hopefully in Buster
(Stretch+1) as well.
+ The one catch is that the live-build package in Debian/the Debian-Live 
project is currently looking for a new maintainer - so there is a slim chance 
that live-build might be removed from Debian Buster, especually if no new 
maintainer steps up and the live-build replacement that is currently in the 
works contains all the required functionality of live-build by then.
 ==== Prerequisites for all variants ====
   * You need a Debian Jessie system to build the image. (Other distributions 
based on Debian might work, but this is untested.)
   * We suggest using a 64-Bit system, though it should be possible to use a 
32-Bit system if you don't want to build a 64-Bit ThinClient image.
   * We suggest leaving at least 4 GB of free disk space so the build won't 
abort due to insufficient disk space.

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