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Edit Summary: [List of open ToDos/FIXMEs for this page] User : stefanbaur

@@ -1131,27 +1131,15 @@
   * turning it into a package would mean we could add dependencies as well, so 
the manual apt-get install would not be neccessary
   * additional scripts could be added that work "automagically" if there's no 
PXE/TFTP/HTTP/FTP server yet - maybe in a separate package x2go-tce-setup-aids.deb which 
then has dependencies on atftpd and apache|lighttpd, ...
FIXME autodetection for SSH Private Keys might need some more bells and whistles.
<del>For USB media, this may require adding an automounter.</del>
   * how about a script that patches the sessions file to enable autologin for 
all sessions when keys have been found?
   * 2800-x2go-thinclientconfig needs to be changed so it uses the keyfile(s) 
when in broker mode (''--broker-ssh-key'')
-   * <del>directory scan </del>
-     * <del>should we abort on first match?</del>
-   * <del>how do we treat multiple keys?</del>
-     * <del>no keys on USB and exactly one key on disk -> use key</del>
-     * <del>exactly one key on USB -> takes precedence over key/keys found on disk? 
Or present chooser based on gxmessage?</del>
-     * <del>multiple keys -> Present chooser based on gxmessage?</del>
-   * <del>problem with gxmessage as chooser is that it can only display 6 buttons on 
640x480 (Which we should assume as minimum screen size)</del>
-     * <del>4 key choices, back, next?</del>
-   * <del>oooooor we might just load all keys into ssh-agent and let it figure 
out which
one it needs?</del>
-     * <del>next problem: How do we prompt for passwords of such keys?</del>
   * Situation: We have a working automounter, and ''copysecring'' will copy 
all keys found to the live-user's homedir under .ssh:
     * If a session is set to "Try auto login (via SSH Agent or default SSH 
key)" and NO keyfile is set, then X2GoClient will try **all** secret keys in .ssh. 
Showing a password prompt if a key is password-protected is handled by X2GoClient, so 
needs no extra work.
     * To specify a keyfile, either:
       * use ''~/.ssh/keyfilename'' as path and use ''copysecring'', or
       * do not use ''copysecring'' and use 
''/media/vendor_model_name/sdxn/path/to/keyfile'' (or 
''/media/vendor_model_name/partlabel/path/to/keyfile'', if you assigned a 
partition label - which is recommended for this use case) as keyfile path/name
- FIXME ''2200-xserver-xorg-getxorgconf'' should be taught to understand ''file:<nowiki>//</nowiki>'' URLs. FIXME Parsing the
output of e.g. <code>udevadm info --query path /dev/sdb

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