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Date        : 2019/01/06 14:33
Browser     : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.9) Gecko/20100101 
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Old Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce?rev=1546782365
New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce
Edit Summary: [List of open ToDos/FIXMEs for this page] added further info 
regarding background image/color
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -1160,9 +1160,9 @@
 FIXME ''bg='', ''branding='', ''broker-url='', ''ldap='', ''ldap1='', 
''ldap2='', ''session='', ''throttle='', are currently unsupported in 
MiniDesktop-Mode. This could be changed, given enough tuits. Probably the 
easiest way would be to outsource as many of them as possible into scripts 
under ''/etc/X11/Xsession.d/'' (currently, they reside in 
''/lib/live/config/2900-x2go-thinclientconfig'' -
which doesn't exist in the MiniDesktop branches - and from there, they get 
written to ''~/.xsession''
FIXME ''audioout='', ''blank='', ''*blankdpmsfix'', ''nodpms'', ''xinerama='', are currently unsupported in MiniDesktop-Mode, but this is being worked on, using the method described above. - FIXME It would be nice to have a bootparameter for the desktop background/color - this is being worked on.
+ FIXME It would be nice to have a boot parameter 
''xroot=[0xaabbcc|URI1[|URI2|...]]'' for the desktop background image/color, 
and a boot parameter ''xrootmode=center|fill|scale|tile'' to determine how the 
image(s) should be positioned - this is being worked on.
FIXME it would be cool if most of the TCE-specific boot parameters could be placed into a file that in turn can be specified as a boot parameter, to reduce clutter and boot parameter length. This file would then have to be sourced by the scripts, after they have extracted everything from /proc/cmdline. This will make
adding the feature easier, by simply deciding that parameters from this file 
take precendence over boot parameters. One might argue that boot parameters 
should take precedence over the config file, but this sounds way more 
complicated to implement.
===== List of closed ToDos/FIXMEs for this page =====

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