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Date        : 2019/01/06 15:40
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Old Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce?rev=1546789134
New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce
Edit Summary: [List of open ToDos/FIXMEs for this page] added further info 
regarding background image/color
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -1160,9 +1160,9 @@
 FIXME ''bg='', ''branding='', ''broker-url='', ''ldap='', ''ldap1='', 
''ldap2='', ''session='', ''throttle='', are currently unsupported in 
MiniDesktop-Mode. This could be changed, given enough tuits. Probably the 
easiest way would be to outsource as many of them as possible into scripts 
under ''/etc/X11/Xsession.d/'' (currently, they reside in 
''/lib/live/config/2900-x2go-thinclientconfig'' -
which doesn't exist in the MiniDesktop branches - and from there, they get 
written to ''~/.xsession''
FIXME ''audioout='', ''blank='', ''*blankdpmsfix'', ''nodpms'', ''xinerama='', are currently unsupported in MiniDesktop-Mode, but this is being worked on, using the method described above. - FIXME It would be nice to have a boot parameter ''xroot=[0xaabbcc|URI1[|URI2|...]]'' for the desktop background image/color, and a boot parameter ''xrootmode=center|fill|scale|tile'' to determine how the image(s) should be positioned - this is being worked on.
+ FIXME It would be nice to have a boot parameter ''xroot=[0xaabbcc|URI1[|URI2|...]]'' 
for the desktop background image/color, and a boot parameter 
''xrootmode=center|fill|scale|tile'' to determine how the image(s) should be positioned 
(if the parameter has been set, but something is wrong, it should default to the 
"grey mesh" background) - this is being worked on.
FIXME It would also be nice to have boot parameters
''xsaverimages=[URI1[|URI2|...]]'', ''xsaveridletime=n'', ''xsaverimgtime=n'', 
for a local, non-locking slideshow screensaver (if no images are 
specified/downloaded by the time it activates, it should just blank the 
screen). That way, one could display a slideshow without having to push the 
images across the network every time - this is also being worked on.
FIXME Boot parameters ''blankdpmsfix'' and ''earlyblankdpmsfix'' still leave the screen blank for too long, when used in netboot mode (especially over slow links). Two ways to solve this are to either use local storage, or to use the initrd with the squashfs merged into it. A third, new option would be a boot parameter ''initrdblankdpmsfix'', where the un-blanking code of ''earlyblankdpmsfix'' is applied in the initrd already - this is being worked on as well.

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