On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 10:13 AM Mihai Moldovan <io...@ionic.de> wrote:
> * On 3/25/19 2:10 PM, Ulrich Sibiller wrote:
> > For testing you could try without ssh-agent or with the one of the current 
> > openssh.
> Sure, that's the quickest workaround... I just switched to no-agent auth for
> testing.
> Naturally, though, I wasn't able to reproduce the problem with the current
> master version. Everything was working fine as far as the keyboard was 
> concerned.
> It might be related to that commit, but I don't know. ctrl->num_groups is
> obviously zero in XkbAdjustGroup()/xkbUtils.c, but I have no idea what that
> actually means. The code in question does look a bit shady (for instance, it
> checks for group >= ctrls->num_groups and later might set group %=
> ctrls->num_groups, which obviously is a bad idea if both group and
> ctrls->num_groups is zero, but I have the suspicion that that should never 
> have
> been the case in the first place.
> I don't know what "groups" are in this context neither.

Keyboard groups, as described here:

> I somehow doubt that commit caused the problem, though. If the clone mechanism
> works fine, that change shouldn't cause any problems. There's probably no harm
> in cloning the config, even though we later sync up using xmodmap (other than 
> a
> race condition, i.e., there MIGHT be a problem if we first sync up using 
> xmodmap
> and then nxagent changes the whole keyboard settings again).

_maybe_ introducing a newer version of the xkb code also requires
additional initialization (t.i. cloning more states from the real X
server) which I might have missed somewhere.

> Seems to be yet another weird problem that can only be reproduced with user
> accounts from NIS, but I have no idea why that might be. As far as I remember,

I cannot think of any reason why NIS users should behave different
from local users (after all, NIS is just a nameservice like ldap or
local files). The only thing that comes to mind is some central
configuration that is only pulled in for NIS users.

> Roberts home directories are not even coming via NFS so the home dir should be
> available at the time nxagent/x2goagent starts and - in that case - tries to
> block keyboard file creation by making a directory. However,
> nx-libs- is quite old
> and I recently synced the master branch up with Arctica Project's master 
> branch
> again, which means that it has + the last two commits on top of it.
> Maybe it's worthwhile to retest with that.
> I'm wary of releasing to X2Go land, though, since I did notice a
> different problem in my test of an XFCE session on a Devuan Unstable machine:
> for some reason I didn't have xfce4-terminal installed and the default 
> terminal
> application was set to qterminal. That started up, but only worked for a few
> seconds, after which it froze up. x2goagent/nxagent used 100 % of one CPU 
> thread
> at that point and even after killing qterminal it continued to do so for a few
> minutes, after which it settled down with occasional 100 % CPU spikes (but it
> does that without having ever started qterminal, too, so I won't worry about 
> it.
> My machine's test CPU is a pretty bad one - Intel Atom 1.8 GHs).

This looks like the app is using OpenGL. Does it work if you disable GLX?

> Hopefully that's not a general problem with Qt5 applications?

Well, it depends on the standard (system) configuration for Qt apps.
It Qt is configured to use OpenGL most apps will suffer from this.

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