
On Fri, 17 Jan 2020 22:43:07 +0100, Stefan Baur
<> wrote:
> Like I said, run X2GoClient in Published Application Mode, and make
> it a habit to *always* use the "critical"/interconnected Apps via
> X2Go, no matter if you're coming from remote or not.  You can run
> Browser and Mail Client remotely, then suspend, then resume them
> locally (using the X2Go connection to, and they'll
> always behave like a local application.

The problem with this approach is that these days a web browser is
interconnected to just about everything.  There's probably half a dozen
applications I regularly use that sometimes or often present me with
hyperlinks that open in an external web browser.  So if I'm going to run
my web browser in X2Go, then I have to run almost everything else in
X2Go. Which brings me to your next point...

> Or, if you want/need a full remote desktop, set your local machine's
> desktop to a very minimal one, say, OpenBox spawning X2GoClient in
> fullscreen, then use X2GoClient with the connection to localhost to
> access your "real" desktop environment (MATE, XFCE, LXDE, whatever).

I don't want or need a full desktop as I prefer to run remote
applications seamlessly on the client desktop.  I'm often copying and
pasting between remote and local applications, moving them between
different screens and virtual desktops, etc.  Having all the remote
applications displayed in one window will unreasonably constrain my

But even if this weren't a concern of mine, I still couldn't do this
because there are so many applications I run that don't run very well,
or at all, under X2Go. Last I checked, Konsole ran terribly slowly, and
Gnome-Terminal didn't run at all. Emacs crashes regularly unless I use
an obscure and complicated workaround. (I've since automated this, but
I don't relish the thought of having to go through all that
troubleshooting again for some future misbehaving application.)
KMyMoney crashes as soon as it's launched due to some GLX compatibility


                  Tristan Miller
Free Software developer, ferret herder, logologist

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