Hi Stefan!

First, let me thank you for your elaborate and quick answer! That's rare these 
days! I
really appreciate that!

> Well, that's pretty much still the case.  Rumor has it that it works on
> Debian Buster, but on Ubuntu, things don't look good (we just received a
> report of it not working in a neighboring thread on this list).

Ok, I see.

Are there any plans about fixing this soon (other than KDrive)?

> You are not going to crash it, but you are likely to end up with a black
> screen, rather than a working X2Go session.
> Things look better on Debian Buster, from what we hear. So if switching
> the server distribution to Debian is an option for you, it might be
> worth a try.

I am afraid that's not possible. I am helping building a new work group at our 
and I need a software to do remote work and to provide shared desktop support 
for the non-
IT guys. We have already adjusted to Neon.

> Another option: There's a beta version of X2GoServer that you could
> install, and you'd also need the corresponding beta version of
> X2GoClient on your Client.  This isn't for the faint of heart, so let me
> know if you want to continue down that route.  This new feature is
> called KDrive.

I just read about it. Sounds very interesting. However since I need it for 
systems, I am not sure if is a good way. Do you think it is mature enough to be 
used in a
productive environment without a a lot of hassle? I need most of the time to 
scientific work and students so I can't invest much time in a "secondary" 
tooling, I hope
you understand that.

> Do I really need a full remote desktop, or would it be good enough for
> me to be able to start remote applications in your local desktop?

I don't know. I have never worked that way. I do not know the pro and cons. 
Maybe I will
give it a try.

Currently I can't see a good alterntive. Especially if I also want to use it 
with Windows
systems as well. VNC seems to be a solution too but the reactivity/speed is a 
pain. I
think I can't use it all day long. 
I alos can't use a commercial application since we simply do not have enough 
money to
afford one (at least for the moment).

> Turning a local desktop session into a remote desktop session is a bit
> hairy.  It will not detach from the local console, so keyboard, mouse,
> and screen on the server side will be active (i.e. other people could
> snoop on what you're doing, when they can look at the server's screen,
> or use the keyboard/mouse to do nasty things while you're not looking).
> Also, as the remote screen will need to mirror everything, it is way
> slower than a native X2Go session - more like VNC.

Well, for a remote support session this would be totally ok!

Best Regards,
Bernhard Lindner

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