On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 14:21:19 -0800
"John Merrells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Yes the Java API has database specific drivers with a DriverManager
> > concrete class for bootstrap as part of the jar containing the XML:DB API
> > interfaces.
> Yeah - I noticed the DriverManager, but it's not in the specification...
> should it be?
> > How are you thinking that DOM and SAX will be handled? I see you put in
> > stub definitions, how would an actual impl look?
> Well - This is also a bit of an open area. In my implementation I'm
> using the Xerces parser. The SAX ContentHandler has the same
> name but the DOM Node is called DOM_Node. I don't think
> there's any easy way around this problem. There's probably some
> really clever template based thing that could specialize the interface
> based on your particular choice of parser...

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