2009/8/2 Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org>:
> As i said, the problem is that trying to use the two keys to create a third
> one is wrong and software that does that should be fixed not to.


> The question is, do we REALLY need a new key? What's the use case? Menus only?
> If it's menus, can't we just work out our menus better like for example KDE
> KickOff does[1] to avoid making translators have even more work than the one
> they have?

The use case (i.e. the need to expose in the UI Name+GenericName) that
come in my mind is File -> Open with $Application in file manager (and
any other method to "link" file type and application). I suppose the
KickOff approach is inapplicable here.

Let me assume that both KDE and GNOME are installed, choosing to use
only Name, we'll have (html file, for example)

  Open with Firefox
  Open with Konqueror
  Open with Gedit
  Open with Kwrite
  Open with Emacs
  Open with OpenOffice.org Writer

This way doesn't explain what the application does, users have to know
this in advance.

Choosing to use only GenericName

  Open with Web Browser
  Open with Web Browser
  Open with Text Editor
  Open with Text Editor
  Open with Text Editor
  Open with Word Processor

Icons are needed to differentiate applications,  and users will have
to associate application icon and name (really really really bad for
visually impaired people)

The third solution is use FullName

  Open with Firefox Web Browser
  Open with Konqueror Web Browser
  Open with Emacs Text Editor
  Open with Kwrite Text Editor
  Open with Gedit Text Editor
  Open with OpenOffice.org Writer Word Processor [1]

or programmatically collate Name and GenericName

  Open with Web Browser (Firefox)
  Open with Web Browser (Konqueror)
  Open with Text Editor (Kwrite)
  Open with Text Editor (Emacs)
  Open with Text Editor (Gedit)
  Open with Word Processor (OpenOffice.org Writer)

Any other use case?

[1] so long, I know :(
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