Hi all,

I posted a message a while ago about modelines for X in order to use it with 
an arcade monitor running at 258Khz Horizontal Frequency. I made a cable to 
connect the monitor to a PC and did some test, but the voltage output of the 
vga card is not high enough for the arcade monitor. So, I tried to test some 
modelines on my NEC Multisync monitor, and after a while I could get 
something displayed without frequency problem. I made my tests using knoppix. 
Here's my modeline :

Modeline "512x384" 15.38 512 544 600 632 384 392 396 404 -HSync +VSync

I don't know what to change in my modeline in order to display properly

Here's some pics displaying the kde desktop, and you can see the display 


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