On Sun, 7 Mar 2004, Meghazi Fabien wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm currently trying to start an X server in order to display low resolution 
> on an arcade monitor. The monitor is correctly plugged to the pc with special 
> hardware which amplify the vga signal for this purpose. The monitor 
> horizontal frequency is 15Khz, horizontal is 60Hz and the clock freq is 
> 7.16Mhz.
> This is a standard arcade resolution monitor, you can find the common specs of 
> these monitor at this address : http://www.klov.com/monitor.html
> I made a modeline using http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/
> Modeline "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 6.44 336 368 392 424 240 245 248 253

   I don't know of any PC video hardware that supports pixel clocks that low.


> The dot clock frequency of this modeline (6.44) is not possible to reproduce 
> with my nVidia Riva TNT2 according to X. 
> /var/log/Xfree86.0.log says "bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan" for my 
> modeline. It also say for my gfx card : Clock range:  12.00 to 350.00 MHz
> If X think that the lowest pclock frequency for these cards is 12.0 then I 
> understand that it refuses this modline wich uses a 6.44 pclock frequency, 
> but the thing is that I often read that the Nvidia Riva TNT2 is ok to use for 
> this purpose (making a mame cab), I read that in advancemame website, in 
> easymamecab (http://easymamecab.mameworld.net/html/hardware.htm), and other 
> arcade related sites, ... In easymamecab they talk about the use of this card 
> with advancemame. But i don't understand what advancemame could do that X 
> couldn't do ? If I ask X to use a 15Khz resolution and it tells me that the 
> card pclock can't handle this, why advancemame could be able to do this ? (i 
> didn't tried advancemame because I really want to use X in order to make my 
> own front-end)
> PS: I also tried a Matrox G200, the problem is the same.
> --
> Fabien Meghazi
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