I just committed hq2x support for the rewritten software effect code to CVS, so it should be almost no effort todo a diff against CVS now.

I look forward to receiving a diff against CVS from you. I'll try to get it to work on my ATI9250 and commit it to CVS. Assuming that the code isn't totally horrible (I've not looked at it yet).

About the effects in opengl mode, could you make it work like the Xv
driver? (-video-mode 1) This one uses for example scale2x or scale3x
todo the "basic" scaling and then letts the hardware do any further
nescesarry stretching for fullscreen / arbitrary window resizing.

As far as I can tell there are two ways of having a "basic" scaling
followed by a stretch, both of which have problems:

1) Render the basic scaling to a texture using the fragment program,
then render this texture to a quad using opengl bilinear filtering.

2) Adapt the fragment programs to do some bilinear filtering on top of
what they do already, then have opengl render the quad across the
whole window using the fragment program.

The problem with 1) is it requires rendering to a P-buffer, which
according to F.J McCloud has performance issues. The problem wih 2) is
the time a fragment program takes to execute is a function of the size
of the polygon in pixels, and the window could be potentially very
large, so having the FP execute across this area would introduce a lot
of redundancy.

Maybe 1) could be implemented as an option to xmame, that way people
will understand why they might get performance issues.

I guess that for now having the effect-code in OpenGL work just like -video-mode 0 is ok then, although I must say I really like the effect code with -video-mode 1, if the Xv support for the underlying hardware is ok.



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