On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 02:48:07PM -0800, Michael Toomim wrote:
> Yeah, it sounds like a fun problem to me too.  I was thinking that the 
> coolest thing would be to have a gnome capplet type of configurator, 
> that would let you select from multiple mathematical functions, and then 
> SEE a graph of what each one does.  Then it would let you edit that 
> graph by setting vertices (sort of a like the volume envelope editors in 
> sound programs), and maybe specify linear interpolation vs. cubit 
> spline, etc...  or allow you to enter an expression in scheme or python 
> code that would compute the acceleration amount.

The UI isn't the issue... You probably don't want/need that kind of
complexity, it'd pretty much involve either programming a lot of
functions into the x server or having the client upload some code to
the X server, both of which are a bad idea (tm,imo). A standard way
for the client to set options in the X server would be nice, but I
don't know of any such thing... Personally I'd just go with deciding
on a decent type of function, and having the api be a simple xlib call
that sets the parameters for that function, nothing too complex.

Frank v Waveren                                      Fingerprint: 0EDB 8787
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