This WAS about installing software.
However, I could not make it work .. at all.
Fiddling around I ran into much bigger trouble.

Originally: Installed Linux Mint 17.2 on a 500 GB HDD
Then: installed xubuntu 16.04 on a second (80 GB) HDD (I believe/hope)
On boot: get a choice between the two.
However .. AFTER I installed xubuntu and then tried to start Mint, I got the message, that the drive is not mounted,
asking me, whether I want to wait / skip mounting / mount manually.
I tried "skip".
Mint started.
I went into "disks" and chose the option "auto mount" for the 450 GB drive (/dev/sda1) -> I believe that is the location of Mint.

After that get the error message:
"Your home directory is listed as '/home/thomas', but it does not appear to exist ....."
Now, Mint is not accessible any more.
And xubuntu is not working.
Xubuntu is supposed to be under /dev/sda5
But that is also the partition that contains at least all previously under Mint installed data, software etc.

Is there any elegant way of "uninstalling" xubuntu ... in the hope Mint might be resurrected? Or is this just another case, where everything has to be repeated from scratch?

Thank you

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