On 9/1/05, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joshua,
> I've done some more thinking and I want to return to a point you made
> earlier.
> "If the correct solution is an easier way to add all the recommended
> tags..."
> What if the basic logic flow for Lazy Sheep looked something like this:
> If no one has tagged X, go to the normal del.icio.us form and use the
> provided tags.
> Otherwise, if users have tagged X and some of the tags are ones
> you've used before, use those.
> Otherwise, if users have tagged X and none of the tags are ones
> you've used before, use those (Disabled by default)
> Would this be an acceptable meeting point? This would highly minimize
> any potential abuse and amplify the use of 'correct' tags by the end
> users.
> Additionally, I could optionally provide a form for users to view the
> tags (so that they can be changed), before they are posted. The main
> difference between the form provided by the bookmarklet and the one
> on your page is that the bookmarklet would show the form inline -
> removing the need for another complete page load.
> Let me know if this is acceptable, I really want to make this work.
> John Resig
> http://ejohn.org/

Taking a risk here as I haven't used this bookmarklet, nor have I
followed this thread in great detail. That said...

What about implementing this as a Greasemonkey script?... Could /
Would Joshua just disable it then?... Maybe. But really: Why?...

I like del.icio.us really, really simple - so that people can use it
however they want. Many people are very creative this way; some much
less so. But why prevent the "less creative" from being less
creative?... I really don't get this.

If lazy sheep is about copying a link, tags, comment and all, then I
say, Yeah! There'd certainly be cases when I might want to do that.
They'd probably be rare, but certainly not never.

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