
I did a quick check what packages we have in 3.0/dynamite that should
go to 3.1/rocketfuel. I really think that is something we should do.

We should also set a filter / warning mail for packages that are in
dynamite for longer than 3 months. There are several packages in there
( for one reason or another ) that are not even remotely usable.

So the result of :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/yopersvn/3.0/dynamite $ for p in * ; do [ -f
../../3.1/rocketfuel/$p/$p.spec ] || echo $p |grep -v
"^gtk\|^gnome\|beryl" ; done


LVM2 SDL_Pango SDL_perl Xaw3d adesklets alacarte aterm audacity awesfx
baghira bmp bmp-alarm bmp-docklet bmp-media-library bmp-wma bug-buddy
ccrtp cln commoncpp2 conky control-center democracy-player eel
epdfview epiphany evolution f2c firefox_static gconf-editor gconfmm
gens ginac gnash gnumeric goffice guarddog gucharmap gv hpijs hydrogen
ilbc iso-codes jack-rack jfsutils kbgoffice kde-decoration-crystal
kdocker knemo konserve kxgenerator lash libbash libetpan libfftwf
libghttp libglademm libgnomecanvasmm libgnomemm libgnomeuimm libgtop
libmpd libnl-svn-ycc libxml++ libzrtpcpp lightfeather lrzip mftrace
mkinitramfs mpeg2dec mrxvt nautilus nautilus-cd-burner octave
padevchooser paman paprefs pavucontrol pavumeter perl-Gnome2
perl-Gnome2-Canvas perl-Gnome2-GConf perl-Gnome2-VFS
perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-Menu perl-Gtk2-GladeXML php5 polyester povray psi
qca-tls qiv rt61 silc-client supertux t1lib t1utils template-tobi.spec
thunar-volman totem tvtime twinkle upx urlview ve xfcalendar xfce4
xfce4-iconbox xfce4-systray xfce4-toys xfce4-trigger-launcher xffm
xine-ui xpdf xv xvkbd yGnome yelp zenity

I would not mind to look after the xfce packages. Can the individual
packagers please review what gems might be hidden in there and check
what they'd be willing to tidy up.

cheers :)

By the way, do we have any news on the graphics / colors front ?

Tobias Gerschner
Yoper Linux - www.yoper.com

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
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