
I should leave some last words about this, which I hope clarify the base
of the issues Gavin and Derick have.

I recently tried to help Jerome via Jabber to get the website build
script to run on his Mac. We failed on many of the inconsistencies
between shell commands on the two systems (e.g. cp) and the quick
solution was to replace the current make file with something else. Since
we both knew ant and since ant is widely used, this sounded like the
perfect solution for a quick migration to solve our problem.

There was no intention to silently replace the current Makefile with ant
and go with it in the future. I'm sorry that it appeared to some people
that way, here on the list. I can understand Derick to be upset, if he
interpreted it like this.

Anyway, as Julien pointed out, we should find a consensus on a build
system which we all support. And as I recently discovered, this should
be a well thought out thing, since we should stay with a single system
for all build stuff (e.g. release management, CI, etc).

So, let's move on and see the website thingies as a proofs of concepts
for a build system.


Tobias Schlitt        http://schlitt.info        GPG Key: 0xC462BC14
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